The Attempt To Recover Mosul Uncovers Grisly Mass Graves by ISIL

LAX Gunman From 2013 Attack Sentenced To Life In Prison

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to be questioned over rape allegation

South Korean Prosecutors Investigate Possible Samsung Connection To Presidential Political Scandal

UVA Administrator Awarded $3 Million Over Rolling Stone Defamation

Beware of zika virus: Deadly aedes waiting in the wings

Edward Snowden shows how FBI managed to check 650,000 Clinton-related emails - so quickly

VIDEO: Early Voting Counts Begin To Roll In As Candidates Make Their Final Push

Choi-gate: South Korean president forced to let opposition choose next PM

India’s crackdown in Kashmir: is this the world’s first mass blinding?

Gay rights advocates welcome Australia rejecting public vote

Life after the epidemic: reviving Sierra Leone's post-Ebola economy

FBI confirms Clinton email probe is over

Prince Charles in Birmingham Koran display in UAE visit

'Trump threat' to dominate UN climate negotiations

China bans Hong Kong pro-democracy politicians as crisis grows

World War 3 Deterrence: Russia’s Aggression Prompts Eastern European Homegrown Troop Build-Up

British PM May says country should unite on Brexit plan

Islamic State hits back in Mosul but faces new Raqqa front

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